Matching Services

What are our Matching Services?

We have Three (3) major personalised services that we offer:

Physical Training

We hear from you about your physical training needs, then seek the best expert closest to you. We then provide all the resources needed to ensure you have the training at your convenience.

One day Tours

Our One-Day Tours offer you the unique opportunity to visit successful agribusinesses and farms, learn from industry leaders, and gain firsthand insights into effective agricultural practices.

One-on-one Consultation

Are you stuck? Are you stagnant? Are you ready to explode your growth in your agribusiness now? Then, you should be speaking to an expert on Agrodemy through Callagro.

Please fill the form so we'll match you to the custom service you need.

Please fill in the email you open everyday
Please enter the average age group of the learners if more than 1 learner
Please enter the first day you want to start your training
Please enter your State, Local Government and Date
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